So, I could have sworn I once saw a "Knife Only" challenge amongst the challenges.
But looks like I was wrong.
So now I'm thinking, how about adding it?
Because let's face it, making a painting with just the knife can be quite challenging! 😄
As far as I know there are two knife only paintings:
- Mountain Challenge S4E13
- Western Expanse S6E11
However, "Western Expanse" does not appear when I use the "Search by content" feature.
When using the feature it comes up with "Mountain Challenge" which is correct.
But it also comes up with "Black and White Seascape" S2E9 and "Little Home in the Meadow" S24E4.
The seascape uses the knife in the sky but the painting can hardly be labeled as knife only imho. Same for Little Home.
If we'd like to add this challenge,
- We need to make sure the paintings are labelled correctly.
- Are "Mountain Challenge" and "Western Expanse" the only "knife only" paintings?
- Do we want just one challenge for making one of the paintings or do we want two challenges, like the first for making one of the paintings, and the second for making both, just like how it is done the Friend of the People.
What do you think? 😄
Or am I overstepping boundaries here and this is not how challanges are born?
In that case, my apologies.