Who can say that he/she never made a happy mistake with a painting, Bob Ross recreation or not? Canvasses, paint, quality time .... they are all valuable to us so we all desire to make the most of it.

So if you happen to have a mishap and wanna rescue the creation, there are a few things you can do. 

1. Identify the problem: 

What exactly went wrong during painting/drawing? Where is it located on the canvas? Did I use the correct tools, oils, mediums?

It helps to recap and ask yourself these kind of questions or even ask others what would be wrong. If necessary, watch the episode again (if Bob Ross recreation). A descent solution can be found when the problem is clearly identified.


In the above example, several problems could be found:

-  The foliage has been done by a concrete mixer.

- The girl and leaves are either drowning in a river or floating into the air.

- The girl is a centerpoint yet she has few accents.

2. Worth the trouble?

How much really is the painting troubling you? Or other people? Do you feel it can be made (a lot) better? If the answer is 'YES', then proceed and search for a solution.

If 'No', then either you 'keep the creation' or 'destroy it'. The latter could also be interpreted as 'give it away' or 'recycle it'.

My above example was a more expensive canvas so I really wanted to save it, also because the girl was painted so beautifully.

3. Where do I seek help?

Can your creation be easily changed or do you see no solution at all?

For example: mixing/applying a wrong colour can be undone by yourself easily. Even Bob explains this in some episodes.

It is much harder when you really have or see no solution at all to any problem(s) on your painting. In this case, you will have to go to work and seek possible solutions. Those can be found in most of the following solutions:

* Check if Bob has a solution (episodes, books, etc...).

* Check the internet by Googling your problem and see if others can provide solutions or had similar problems.

* Ask Twoinchbrush.com. Uncountable problems were already solved by our community that either give the propre advice or inform you where a solution can be found.

* Discuss this with other people (relatives, friends, colleagues, ...). One might come up with a solution, bright idea or reference.


I asked advice on Twoinchbrush.com where 'Sunnylady' looked into my problem, identified problems and provided solutions.

Best of help I could get!!

4. What action to take?

Once you have found the solution to any issue with your creation, start thinking how to handle it. What preparation needs to be done (scraping off, gesso appliances, mediums, etc...) and what tools do I need for that.

It does help to create (imaginary) a small scenario on how you will proceed. Depending on the difficulty of your project, make certain you take all steps one at a time. Standing back once in a while and overlooking your alterations will be useful!


In the above example, I applied grey gesso (that was a huge tip from JIN7!!). and started repainting the foliage with better brushes (midsize oval brush) and more attention to shapes, colours and shadows.

That was my first step to take.

5. Result:

Are you pleased with the result? Is it satisfactory enough? When in doubt, again ask around. If it's a certain success, please post it on Twoinchbrush.com and share it with us!

And above all .... adore your newly made creation!


The new foliage was a success, the girl recieved more accents and has ground to stand on. Extra water lines were created round trees and fallen leaves.

In all, a far better painting! 

Many thanks to 'CRI' Jin7 and specially to 'Community darling' Sunnylady!

Hopefully this article can be a help to you. Please keep in mind that this is not exact science, but merely my personal opinions and approach, carefully gathered by own experiences.

Please  feel free to comment, thank you.

Voy Kay