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Christmas Eve Snow

Ninoum 28 Nov 2022

To put myself in the holiday spirit, I decided to go for this one.

I had a happy accident with my mountains… I ran out of blue shadow color. I made a new batch lighter not realizing it. I spread it on some existant darker shadow and I got an amazing effect. So I decided to do all of them like that. It added some depth.

It can’t be Christmas without Christmas trees…. So here they are in front of the church. You may have to blow up the picture to see the lights in them. 🎄



Very pretty and love the Christmas trees! Nice touch.

Thank you Sandy! When I originally saw that title, I thought some “Christmasy” elements were gonna be present. I was a little disappointed when I saw there were none. So I made my mission to make it Christmas like! 😊🎄

Awesomely done Nancy. Love the little church and Xmas trees! Was this done on a black canvas?

Thank you much Brian! Yes, it was on a black canvas. I no longer cover my white ones with black gesso. Much cheaper to buy them black. It saves time too! 😉

Very nice. The happy accident shading works quite well.

And BTW, nice touch with the Christmas lights on the sig :)

Thank you Tony! I thought it would be fun to add those “Christmas lights” on my sig! Glad you noticed!

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