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Mountain Retreat

LoveBobRoss 21 Oct 2023

Not one of my favorites, especially because it took awhile to complete. Been awhile since my last one so feel a bit out of practice. I’ll likely add a couple bare birch trees in front on the left to add a bit more depth. Still trying to get the depth thing down. I tend to run out of space as I move down the canvas. (Haha, of course I do… hope that makes sense though)



Very nice!

I know the feeling! I did this one and felt like I couldn't get the foreground right. My MIL's friend loved the painting so much that he asked to buy it! Beauty is in the eye of its beholder...still a wonderful job achieving the completion of this painting :)

I LOOOOOOve your brown mountains tons!!! Your mist (and color) is fabulous!! Great work even if you feel deflated about it.

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