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Scenic Seclusion

dracula 27 Oct 2019

This was my first painting using liquid black. The upper half of the painting uses liquid white, but the bottom half is dark. It made blocking in the foreground bushes a little easier. I used the Season 19 book to complete this one instead of the television program and since this particular painting has a lot of moving parts, it didn't seem as well suited to using the book, in my opinion. I ended up having to wipe back some areas and start again. It all worked out okay in the end, I suppose. Either way it was fun!


Hey Dracula you are a great painter, i love all of your paintings, includid this painting, very nice mountains, the trees are awaysome, very nice keep going!

I love everything about this. I especially love the shapes and textures of the foreground pines. Lovely as always.

Felix Creator of

Absolutely fantastic! How long does it take you to finish a painting like this?

Felix Creator of

Oh and congratulations on painting #25!

dracula Power Painter

Thank you everyone; you are all very kind! I had mixed feelings about this painting when I was working on it, but seeing it drying on the easel for the last couple days, I've come to appreciate it more. The cloudless, peachy sky really comes alive when I compare it to some of the other paintings I've done.

@Felix, Thanks! I think reaching 25 paintings is an exciting milestone and I'm excited to see what the next 25 will bring. These paintings take me, on average, about four hours to paint, depending on how fussy I get. When I first started, I tried my best to keep up with Bob and rushed, but even he suggests taking your time if you're painting at home. If I put in much more time than four hours, it's probably an indication that I'm getting too precious about the details. That said, I think that as I practice more, some of the effects (like tree foliage) will come easier (and faster).

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