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Golden Glow

Jin7 13 Jun 2020

I did in my classroom about four years ago.
It is a popular work among the students because the sky is very impressive and it is a wonderful painting.


Dear Tom
Thank you for your nice comment.
As you are a specialist of cabins,I like your version too and I agree your best work is not this .
Although you have many wonderful masterpices ,I' d like to say " Roadside Barn" or " Home in the valley" is your best work.

Jin, nice painting! Can you tell me two things: what is meaning of yellow in Japan? What is meaning of blue color in Japan?

Dear Sunnylady
I don't know if this is the answer, but in Japan the meaning of the color itself is nothing.
For example symbol of red and white is a symbol of good luck. And Akafuji, which I talked about before, is also a symbol of good luck. The yellow and blue in your question has no special meaning in Japan. I've never met a Japanese who likes the color yellow a lot.
I have a Chinese student(Japanese nationality) in my class and she really liked this episode because of yellow taste, and I don't like yellow so much, but I think yellow in this picture is good. I think there are many Japanese who like blue color like me. And I think that what many Japanese imagine with blue color is the sky and the sea.

Interesting! Thanks Jin. I am reading a book about composition and they were saying that color in different cultures may have different meanings. However they also talk about preference of individual painter to a certain color. I like blue ang green, but in my paintings or even in photographs I do not like to have a day time.
This is very interesting how all those things work. Can you imagine it even referes to the handwriting rules in some cultures and what will be perceived like a good painting will be different because of that. This because brain is used to have starting point either on top of the page, on the left or on the right. I never thought about that in terms of application to the art and it is so interesting!

Thanks for sharing about colors!

@Sunnylady Thank you for your feedback.
I've heard an interesting story about color long ago. What is the color of the rainbow?
Many Japanese answer 7 colors, but many foreigners don't know how many colors in rainbow.
Regarding the color of the painting, Bob Ross said
many people tend to judge the value of a painting based solely on the color rather than the content of the painting.

In Russia we have little verse for kids to memorize sequence of colors in the rainbow! Do you have one?

About color it is very interesting. In paintings I prefer sunsets. However I can easily wear my favorite color clothes, or have bedding of my favorite colors. But yellow-orange sky that I like in the painting is not in the list of my favorite colors.
Do you have something similar in your senses?

I love your water and all the different trees!

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