In my peaceful evening there are no barns, just deep dark forest and the full harvest moon.
stunning sky
I have recently visited Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg and saw this wonderful painting which is incredibly difficult to read and photos do not do any justice to it. The moon is so wonderful there.
Here is the link: scroll a bit down to see it. You can click on it and it will enlarge.
Sunnylady, was it 'Moonlight Night on the Dniepr' by Arkhip Kuindzhi? I couldn’t get the link to work. I’ve seen som of his work before, I think wis work was years ahead of his time, it looks so contemporary, very lovely.
Great to be able to see great works of art up close, I love to study brush techniques and to get a true sense of a painters pallet with my own eyes. I’m looking forward to being able to visit galleries & museums again, at sometime in the far off future!
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Great job on the shadows and highlights. It looks magical! you got a moon shining absolutely beautiful!