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Double Take

moai 02 Jan 2021

Painted on a 24 x 18 canvas. I added the fourth season to the painting and decided not to put the name on the front.



How do you feel about your seasons now, and what did you use to cover the lower one?

I like how the seasons look and I used duct tape and a piece of plastic film that is included with the canvases. The duct tape was attached where the prown section is located. I did get blue on my summer picture but it does not stand out that much.

This looks really cool all next to eachother! Great work moai

This is very lovely I alway love your work. What colours did you use in the spring?

I used many many colors from a set 52 colors in a caliart acrylic paint set from my nieces.

It’s very lovely and you created a lovely idea.

It’s very lovely and you created a lovely idea.

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