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Mountain River

Fraylionsx3 11 Oct 2021

Painted this today. I had a lot of fun with it. However I think by adding the trees in the extra bushes I might have ruined it.. What do you guys think?



I don't think it's ruined. I think the extra trees and land coming out of the border make it look more 3D. I especially like the water splash coming out of the border at the bottom.

I agree the trees and land coming out makes it look 3D..Love it!

I think it is a matter of your preference, you tried this way, now you can try without exiting the frame. Just decide what is more for you.

I do not like ovals, rectangles and other shapes inside normal canvas. I think leaving white canvas make painting look cheap considering how much effort it took for one to do it. But that is my opinion and it does not mean you will agree. Just do what you like more and investigate what you like more.

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