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Original Creation

Painting for Fun

BrookeBowling 09 Apr 2023

This is my own creation, but definitely is a compilation of so many of Bob’s techniques. I used an 18x24 canvas. My main goal was to not fear the clouds. Even during classes for my CRI training with Nic Hankins, I found them challenging with the fan brush. Today, I used very thin white and I feel satisfied with them. I tried bushes on the bottom left all the way down, but they got messy, so I put some rock in instead.



Wonderful and your clouds look amazing!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Beautiful Brooke!!!

Very nice πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Ž

Just beautiful!

The rocks are a great addition. They somehow complete that area.

Nice job with the rocks poking out of the hill on the left. Reminds me of the Canadian shield.

Very nice mountains, good work!

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