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Original Creation

Northwest lighthouse seascape

Happyisland 07 Jul 2022

18 by 24 canvas with a rose acrylic background with a blend of oils. Northwest seascape features distant lighthouse with cabin nestled in trees and surrounded by mist. Felt either a sunrise or sunset added to the composition so I went with a dominant light to balance out the darker background.



So extraordinarily beautiful! Love the light coming from the sky and spilling onto the ocean..The waves are super!

Thank you Sandy :)

I agree with Sandy, I really like the shape of the waves and the light works very well.

Wonderful Daniel

Thank you Robert and Brian :)

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


Thank you Pietro! :)

I would love to have a print of this.

John, thank you for that. Your comment led to some further inspiration. And I have decided to offer those when I start selling my artwork. Thanks again. Will let you know when I get there :)

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