Two colors on this: Payne's Grey and Titanium White. Oil on 16 x 20 canvas. First time doing a cabin and a leafless tree; both are pretty tricky!
Wonderful blending, can’t believe that’s just 2 colours, you have made so many bare it’s with the limited palette. That cabin is so sweet.
I love the colors here. you created so much depth with two colors. The shadows, especially from the tree in the foreground is great. Cabins take a little practice, but you are doing great i think! I found doing some two point perspective exercises with pencil and paper helped with that! Wonderful painting.
Thank you everyone! I feel like my cabin is like standing on one leg or something! I actually redid the hills and shadows. I found that part difficult I def need more practice with the liner brush as well!!! I love everyone’s suggestions and encouragement. Thank you!
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Super painting Andrea! You really made great use of only two colours!