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Original Creation

Why I no longer worry about getting my t-shirts dirty

NickReynolds 15 Feb 2023

A little white paint on your clothes? How about a lot of white paint on your clothes!

It's a little strange and kind of tough to paint onto a dry, stretchy surface, but I thought this was a ton of fun regardless.



Lol that's really cool!
I once stretched a square cutout from an old tshirt onto a canvas frame. Took one hell of a lot of primer and was stretchy as heck. Fun experience though :D

@Hammipaints yeah I bet it would take a ton of primer to prep a t-shirt, especially the one I had here which is very soft.

But going straight onto a dry shirt with oils means that I'll have a wearable shirt from this. I've done this once before and the paint is both washable, and flexible. Honestly my only complaint is that the thicker areas dry a bit scratchy. I tried to smooth everything out to see if I can avoid that problem this time.

Oh really, it doesn't wash out? Now thats really cool

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

So cool Nick! Love the scene you painted too!

Cool idea!

Good idea😎

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

love this!!!!

You did this all with a brush, right? I can't see how you could use the knife on it.

Very creative! I like the idea and the outcome. Well done :)

@Caylakas i used a knife for the mountains and rocks, and a 1 inch brush for the hills. The knife tends to grab on the t-shirt and that can cause problems, but overall it works out.

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