A little white paint on your clothes? How about a lot of white paint on your clothes!
It's a little strange and kind of tough to paint onto a dry, stretchy surface, but I thought this was a ton of fun regardless.
@Hammipaints yeah I bet it would take a ton of primer to prep a t-shirt, especially the one I had here which is very soft.
But going straight onto a dry shirt with oils means that I'll have a wearable shirt from this. I've done this once before and the paint is both washable, and flexible. Honestly my only complaint is that the thicker areas dry a bit scratchy. I tried to smooth everything out to see if I can avoid that problem this time.
Oh really, it doesn't wash out? Now thats really cool
So cool Nick! Love the scene you painted too!
Cool idea!
Good idea😎
love this!!!!
You did this all with a brush, right? I can't see how you could use the knife on it.
Very creative! I like the idea and the outcome. Well done :)
@Caylakas i used a knife for the mountains and rocks, and a 1 inch brush for the hills. The knife tends to grab on the t-shirt and that can cause problems, but overall it works out.
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Lol that's really cool!
I once stretched a square cutout from an old tshirt onto a canvas frame. Took one hell of a lot of primer and was stretchy as heck. Fun experience though :D