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Original Creation

Island Eve - Bill Alexander

Tom0779 11 Jun 2023

An other episode by Bill pending a long time already on my to do list.
It drew my attention because of the phtalo greenish hue the whole scene has. I really like that.
It is a beautiful scene which can be done if you are tight on time as it goes extremely fast. I finished this one in 75 minutes.
Oils on canvas panel 20 x 16 in (50 x 40 cm)



I love how Bill gets so much depth into his skies. You did a great job with that. Nice job.

Hey Tom, you were probably faster than me 😂😂I had also planned it for the near future one of my favorite island topics. When I've recovered, I'll see what's next and where it takes me. Well implemented, top😎👍🏼🇩🇪have a nice sunny sunday

Absolutely gorgeous!!

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


Thank you Tomi as always for your support. Yes Bill's skies are always great.

Thanks Dirk, I hope you recover as soon as possible. I hope nothing serious?
Can't wait to see your version then.

Many thanks Cold!

Thanks P, I am glad you like it!

Hey Tom , Corona, aber meine Frau und ich sind übern Berg ,nur noch etwas erholen 👍🏼thank you so much 🇦🇹🇩🇪👍🏼

Oh… we all (wife, 2 kids and me) had it last year. Echt nervig, eine Woche kein Geruchs- und kein Geschmackssinn.

Just gorgeous Tom!

Komischerweise hatte meine Frau einen heftigeren Verlauf mit fett Fieber , Schüttelfrost und trockenen Husten. Bei mir war’s eher so ne monster Erkältung und einfach total platt . We have not been infected so far, despite thousands of customer contacts etc., due to work. I have been vaccinated four times, my wife three times

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

So simple yet gorgeous! I love that phthalo greenish hue as well. BTW, about to start "Golden Forest"! 🌳🌲

Thanks a lot Sandy!

Ja die Symptome sind sehr unterschiedlich. Wir hatten das alle im Verlauf der letzten 16 Monate in der Familie, vom Kleinkind bis zu den fast 100 jährigen Großeltern. Manche hatten so gut wie keine Symptome, andere wiederum vor allem extrem starke Halsschmerzen etc..
In jedem Fall wünsche ich baldige Genesung!

Thank you Nancy, can't wait to see your version of Golden Forest.

Nice and inspirational scene!

Thank you Jos.

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