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Original Creation

How would you finish this?

indicationofart 03 Oct 2023

A co-worker asked for a winter painting with a cardinal. The front right needs something I think. Would you do another birch or a pine tree? Low bushes? Any help welcome.



a die tree with snow falling from it.

Mailbox with slight indication of a dirt road

I think a mailbox would look great or another tree would work!

Mailbox and a small fence leading to the house

Thanks Paintcrazy. Not sure how I would do snow falling off the tree.

Thanks Midnite. Great idea.

Thanks Blondie.

Thanks Bob. I didn't even think about a fence. It's going in!

Definitely a fence!

I agree Kevin. This is my mock up piece, dropped a fence in and it's great.

I saw the final version you posted yesterday. So I can't help with this one. 😢 Super outcome Tomi!

Watch wetlands season 4/episode 8 and how he does the green stuff coming off the trees do that but with Prussian blue 1st then add white to it to make icicles

Paintcrazy, that makes too much sense. Thank you.

Would love to see the results

Paintcrazy, the end result is up in a different post.

Nicely done!

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