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Original Creation


pathunt92 19 Aug 2020

Another tonalist-style painting.



I like how you created distance with that green color that is mixed with blue to create aerial perspective and then you add more warm colors as you progressed to the front.
I think if you try to tone down blue of the sky with tiny bit of burnt umber and whiten it to the horizon, effect will be even more striking and it would match up success of the perspective on the land with what happens in t he sky.

@Sunnylady you're right, once this is dry I'm going to glaze it and make sure I lighten the horizon to get that illusion of distance.

how do you do glazing? just oil? or retouch varnish or some other varnish?

@Sunnylady yeah, just wait til it's completely dry, thin down some paint with a bunch of oil and cover the spots you want "glazed". Then go over it with a paper towel to lighten the glazing color. This video does a good job explaining it:

Thanks a lot for the link!

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