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Original Creation

Pathway through the pines

tel 06 Apr 2021

Saw this tutorial on Youtube and just thought it was a nice image, different technique to Bobs , however i personally think Bobs mountain technique always produces the best results..



I wanted to comment on one where no one else has yet. I was looking at your paintings and I am really impressed! The dog you recently did looks so real as does your bird paintings. I like the carnival one and and the one where it looks like you’re going under a tunnel. Please feel free to offer suggestions on any paintings that I do. I really want to improve and start doing animals and boats as well. My art background is stick figures :). Would love any advice I can get for improving and starting integrating animals. Appreciate your comments :)

Thanks Happy although you diden't actually leave a comment on this painting i do appreciate your kind words regarding some of my others. I just uploaded a space themed piece and would love to hear your thoughts (good or otherwise)

Quite right I didn’t did I? :). I like how the light is coming from the left. Mountains look great and have depth to them. They also balance well with the sky. You can tell that the sun is almost set or just rising so it’s a good blend of color on the foreground.

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