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Original Creation

Self portrait (alla prima)

tholmes79 12 Aug 2022

9”x12” oil on canvas. An allá prima self portrait I made last night.



Love it! Great job!

Wow great painting!

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Excellent portrait!

Thank you!

Looks amazing! Hope you don’t actually put your brushes in your mouth or that you are a cleaner painter than me! I don’t know how I do it but every handle ends up covered in paint. What paints do you use for skin tone? Is it the traditional red blue yellow mix or something else?

Unfortunately I do put them in my mouth and sometimes will forget they are there and walk around house with them haha. I have become very clean painter. I used to be super messy so had to paint in the garage. I did use the red, yellow, blue and brown and white mix.

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