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Evergreen Valley

DaveJ 22 Jan 2022

There are a number of things I could improve about this A3 painting, but I have to say that for the first time I actually experienced the snow breaking relatively easily with the off-white mixture actually grabbing / being held by the canvas. Previously I have felt that the TW mix has been too slippery and I have had to battle to get what is supposed to be breaking snow; with the end result looking like it was slippery. Luckily, Sunnylady had convinced me to look at different painting mediums and one I came up with that looked beneficial for me was using a wax medium in the TW because of the difficulty I had in getting snow to break. I tried Gamblin’s Cold Wax Medium today. I probably went a bit heavy with it in the mix, but I could feel the grab. I’ve got another mountain snow-break painting coming up, so We’ll see haw that goes. So many thanks Sunnylady for your help.



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