I am pretty disappointed with how I did here. I don’t like the rocks in the water at all. I do like the sky and trees though. I will have to try it again sometime.
Mc thanks for your comments! Bob also said we need to learn how to work with anything that happens on the canvas. Thanks for reminding me. I have uploaded a retouched version that I like much better but still not what I had hoped for. Once again thank you for your comments! Happy painting!
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Bob would be proud that you’re plagued with dissatisfaction, and that you’re driven to do another one and improve!
Another positive you didn’t mention, I really like your work on the ledge on the left side of the river. And your detail in your trees and bushes are spectacular, I’m jealous because mine never turn out that good!
I think your dissatisfaction in the water/rocks comes from the perspective, the rocks would get smaller and less detailed as they go back. And the water lines being flat imply that the water is still (but it would be running down the stream). A few running water highlights (fan brush is usually most effective) will get you there
Lots to love about it though, can’t wait to see the next one!