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Deep Wilderness Home

ChrisLAdams 19 Jan 2023

This was my first painting after about a year, and I found it was difficult to get back into the swing of things. Which told me I need more practice! Had a major flub on the left hand land mass, so I just scraped it off and redid the area. I wasn't about to quit that close to the finish.



I like how your background look abstract-ish. The colors are very nice. The cliffs and the grass running down on them are really well executed. Great job!

I do the same Chris... when I can't live with something on the canvas, I scrape it off and start it again until it's good. That's how we get better and love the end result. Perseverance is really key!

Thank you for the encouragement! I'm going to try not to wait so long, and keep in better practice. Bob Ross can be a tough act to follow.

Welcome back by the way! I want to see more of you for sure! And yes, Bob can be challenging to follow. 🙃

Thanks! I have a commission I need to do, and where I haven't touched a brush for a year, I'm nervous to begin it. Hoping maybe a couple Bob projects will wipe out that reluctance. It's going to be tough, aircraft, city scape etc, from an aerial perspective. 😵 Going to be a challenge!

Bob will def help you out with that! Plus he is so calming to listen to. He will bring you in you painting creativity mode so you can enjoy and relax while painting.

Bob will def help you out with that! Plus he is so calming to listen to. He will bring you in you painting creativity mode so you can enjoy and relax while painting.

He sure is fun to watch and listen to. I watched Wilderness Day for probably the 10th time. Love that one. Might tackle it next. If you look carefully at the base of the mountain it appears like a body of water. I'm not sure if that was a happy little accident or intentional; he never mentions it.

Oh wow! I painted this one and never noticed. But I can totally see it now! Great observation!

I intend to "try" to emulate that effect. When I first noticed it while watching the episode for the first time, I watched fearfully, hoping he didn't cover it up because it looked so cool. Now I have to go check out your version!

Framed this one, and took it to work.

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