I have been working on this painting for 3 days and officially declare defeat. This background gave me the biggest headache I've had in years.
@dirk1968 Our paintings are almost twins. Didn't realize that you have only been at this for a few months. Great progress!
Thank you Tomi , i try my best ð
Pretty work!
Thanks Blondie.
Good job with a difficult background (at least for me) see mine. I intend to attempt this one again after I complete all of the JOP episodes.
Just lovely..I cant get enough of your graceful touches.Those tress are wonderful.Cheers.P
Brian, I hate this background. It was the hardest I have tried so far. I will try again at some point.
Pietro that is a lovely compliment. I'm not sure I see it, but thanks!
Good job
Very nice! Need to try that episode too some day.
Thanks Tom.
Your background looks great Tomi! It looks like we are very deep in the forest. I really like it! Great Rocks and waterfall. We can be so harsh on ourselves at times. Put this one away and come back to it in a few days. You will see it with a fresh eye and appreciate it differently. Did you learn something thru this struggle? If you, you won the battle!
Good morning Nancy. I did learn, I usually do. I think my problem is that the house is too small. I will work on it some more in a few days and try to correct it.
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Hey Tomi. Good work ððžI painted it too, it's in my list if you want to look at it