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Lazy River

TitiaD 08 Apr 2024

"Lazy River"
March 29, 2024
Oils on canvas

So... I painted this in about 4 hours, in the middle of the night, while Shadowlink11 (LadyGalaga on Twitch) was streaming while painting this same one.

I think I had done too many knife-only paintings lately because I struggled like crazy. LOL!
First I messed up the distant trees and I fiddled a lot, adding more layers, but in the end they came out decent I think. I like how they have desaturated colours, making them look farther away and giving the scene an ever so slightly damp/misty look.
And then I messed up the water (don't ask, no idea how that happened) when I wanted to add more reflections to it.

All that said, I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out.
Perhaps some struggling is a good thing. LOL!

Btw, I nowadays often use Cobalt Blue for the sky.



Beautiful work! Really gorgeous!

Hey that is a really good painting. I like it a lot. Great reflections in the water.

Thank you both! <3

Yeah, in the end the reflections came out alright, imho.
At least I like how there are more. Bob's water is pretty much empty in this painting. I wanted to have more going on in there.

awesome reflections and depth

Great job

Really nice Titia.

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

turned out great! the distant forest looks so lush!

I can't tell any struggle happened! Lol! It's beautiful Titia! Love those forward trees and the way you made your leaves.

Thank you all! <3

It did indeed turn out rather lush. My happy accident that night. LOL!

Thank you. The leaves are made with the knife.

Beautiful Titia. I love your colours and definition in this painting. Cheers

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