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Golden Morning Mist

Voy Kay 04 Jan 2021

No obligated challenge this time, simply something that I picked up from the community here (thank you GMRII) and wanted to paint. The result was beyond my expectations and I believe I might be ready for one of my two ultimate challenges, that includes over 50% bush areas and foliage. I hope to share that recreation here in the near future.

Canvas used was a budget 12"x16". Although not mentioned by Bob, I did cover a thin coat of liquid clear over the black gesso.
Hardest part here where the very light items into the misty/sunny area. Easiest were probably the banks and the river.
Much to my delight, my foliage and bushes were up to standard except ... the grasses on the left. Still not sure what went wrong there because I am very unhappy with them.
Thanks also to Tom0779 who had the great idea to leave a dark area into the bushes on the right.

Please enjoy!

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MHK Helpful Friendly User

WOW!!! Amazing. I could use every adjective in the book on this one. Very nicely done

What a beautiful picture. The leaves look beautiful, as if a squirrel will emerge from behind the trees at any moment. I also liked the hazy area ahead. Congratulations...

I like the misty background and agree that the dark on the right shrubs/trees was beneficial to the painting!

You are on fire! Great job with bushes! Everything in the painting is awesome! Love the soft transition from dark to light and those trees look so soft there.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you for loving this MHK, would love to browse in that book with you! 😉

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Tom,

Great comment form you, thanks so much!

Acrylics really are your thing and I'm certain you will still feel comfortable picking that up again after a long dry spell. I'm only used to oils where I feel very comfortable with, less with acrylics which I only use to base a canvas or make a necessary background decoration.
Funny as it seems, I stepped away from using filberts in the past months. Even my big oval brush is catching dust. The past month, I created so many paintings and finally got a hang of it on how to use the one inch brush for foilage and bushes. I rarely use a two inch for this (or it has to be a big canvas). I could no be happier that I finally managed to paint bushes and trees properly. Although that does not show on small canvasses, which I use for less desired creations so less motivated paintings.

I'd studied both mentioned creations before and I'm also convinced they are challenging. The mill and the bridge might become projects in the near, or far, future.
There are two Ross paintings that are considered to be the ultimate challenge to me. As soon as I feel up to it, I will take them on (one has over 50% of foliage and bushes). They should form the highlight of my painting career! Hopefully not the downfall!

Till next one!


Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

VERY happy with your comment Luna!
It's true, any squirrel could pop out there at any time.
Between us, I really considered it for half a minute to paint a bear's head in that dark zone on the right!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Lisa, I often read the comments/descriptions from other people that have made the creation I'm aiming for. It does help cause I learn some hazards, techniques, tips up front and every now and then, I pick up an idea (like Tom's).

Happy painting!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Sunnylady, my sunshine in the comment sections!
I think I got blown away here with the successful bushes and foliage and forgot to pay more attention to the other two zones of importance.
That river should've had more shadow near the botom and the right side. Also I might've added some green into the water. Bob did not, so I followed him.
The left side was an error from my side where I was unhappy with the grasses, decided to paint some bushes over it yet forgot to create a shadow base for those first. I also thought about adding a few big boulders in there, just to take attention away from that poor grass.

Sigh .... 😢

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