On budget (0,50 EUR) canvasboard 24x30 cm winton oil. For some reason I like the underground with oil much more then with liquid white, bushes and grass becomes much better.
Thank you Alex. In this painting the upper part (sky and mountain) lquid white was the basic layer, the lower part liquid clear (oil). Because the lower part was not covered with Liquid white my bushhes and trees are better. When the whole painting is covered with Liquid white it takes more effort to set up bushes and trees. The paint is then mixing too much with the underground color.
Thanks for clarifying, Joha59. I've been thinking of doing the same thing. Outside of the sky, I can't recall Bob ever blending colors further down the canvas. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
After you applied the Liquid Clear, did you wipe down that part of the canvas with a paper towel?
I am using linseed oil as liquid clear, never wiped it down with a papertowel, always try to remove too much oil with a clean brush. Maybe you are right so we don't need the liquid white at the lower part at all.
Great. I use linseed oil as well, so I'll definitely have to give that a try.
The reason I mentioned the paper towel is I saw Bob wipe his canvas down and then say, "You can never get all of it off, so there's still enough left to move the paint around." Of course, I'm paraphrasing there.
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Nice painting, especially the trees.
What do you mean by liking the oil instead of the Liquid White for the underground?