I followed along with Bob’s hour long tutorial special. This is only my second oil painting ever (10+ years experience with acrylics) and I’m much happier with it than with my first oil painting. Thanks for the advice everyone, thinning the highlight color with liquid white and/or paint thinner was a great tip.
Great painting here! How do you find switching to oil after acrylics? they are so different in behavior.
nice mt. scape.Well done!
@Sunnylady, it is really tough getting used to the oils but I enjoy the challenge!
For me it was challenge after acrylics, that were also a challenge to paint Bob Ross. But when I tried first time after 4 years fighting with acrylics I knew this is what I will pursue. I bet you are super pro with acrylics and after few months with oil you will be a pro in oils too!
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You have captured this painting very well. It looks great. Well done.