Three times a charm, as Sunnylady and I have completed a third paint date this weekend!
The idea of the Tuscany arched gate with a view on the surrounding scenery was already born between us in January 2021. The original came from Kevin Hill yet we both decided to alter Kevin's creation here and there to our own individual liking, keeping most of the Tuscan colours and structures in mind.
I prepared for this creation with the use of a small scenario (according to Kevin's creation) and a selfmade detailed sketch of the scenery. We also discussed up front certain approaches and ideas to make our painting experience a succesful one, yet again!
Canvas used was a high quality 12"x16". The gate was prepared up front with a coal pencil and I used a tiny overall layer of liquid white at the start. Hardest part was the detailed scenery, the making of Terracota colour and the plant life. Easiest part was painting the whole of this creation with Sunnylady at my side. The amazing comfort she gives you, her zeal, her ideas, the encouragements, the laughs .... always a dream and a great pleasure to paint with such wonderful artistic darling friend.
It has been mentioned before by us that we can highly recommend painting together. It is a heartwarming, joyful and learning experience you will cherish for a long time.
Please enjoy Sunnylady's creation and mine and feel free to comment on them, in our comment boxes as well as on the forum!!
THANK YOU Sunnylady, for the very enjoyable companionship, painting satisfaction and the great friend and human asset you are to myself and to this community!
A great wish Sunnylady, many thanks for being such darling to us all! I share the same hapiness, be sure of that!
And it would be amongst my greatest wishes that we could once paint together in real life!!
Voy..A glass of vino under the Tuscan sun is like a mug of rejuvination!
I'll second that Pietro! And share lots of vino with you there!!
Thanks for visiting and appreciating our creations my friend!!!
This is a beautiful scene! You’ve captured such distance and detail with your rolling hills and distant mountains. Great job with the masonry and shadows. I’ve always liked these scenes.
So glad you like this one FVG!
Sunnylday and I were wise to try this creation and yes, we both managed to create quite some depth in the paintings! That was essential I thought!
I love how you two painted similar scenes and yet they look completely different. I love both so much! I adore the crack in the wall. It gives it character. I also like how we can see so much of the lovely rolling hills and vineyard. Makes me want to go frolicking among the grapevines and drink some wine!
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Voy I am incredibly happy we painted together again! This is such wonderful experience to paint together. I wish such joy to all people on this website to paint together in real or in virtual life!