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Hide A Way Cove

Voy Kay 04 Jan 2022

Felt motivated today and I think it showed with this creation.

Canvas used was a budget 12"x16". Hardest parts were keeping the mountains low enough and highlighting the path, where I needed something like 20 attempts to get it a little bit right.
Distant trees could need improvement but I was most pleased with the bushes all around.

Please enjoy!

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Nice bushes indeed Voy and beauful colors and I like the distant trees in front of the mountains.

Love that sky.

Voy, I believe the reason why path did not work 20 times might be because it needs to be laid with more horizontal strokes rather than under angle.
You did great job to show the middle shore. I love illusion of stones there and various colors in the water!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dankjewel Jos!
For some reason the colours really came to life in this creation and I felt very pleased with that since I failed those a few times recently.
I admit the light colour of the distant trees is about perfect but 'm niot very happy with the shape though, that shopuld've been more diverse!

Beste wensen voor 2022, veel verfplezier en hou het veilig!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Umagaan, like no other you know how to appreciate these rainbow skies!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Sunnylady!
The shore did came out very well with adding some bush edges to it. I love doing those!

With the path, I followed Bob who slid his knife downwards to win some time since he barely ran out of it. It is true that horizontal paths work better, with a waverbrush, and normally I do that technique for such a path. Here, I followed Bob and had huge trouble getting a descent highlight on it! Maybe I used too few paint on the knife!

Voy, I think you are absolutely right about brush strokes. I noticed that some of BR paintings do not have a path laid very well, never thought it was about time though... I think the direction of brush stokes becomes important more than color it uses sometimes (like with water, we never do diagonal strokes for big water bodies). Don't forget you don't need to repeat everything Bob Ross does, you have more time and a good understanding of what works and what not, you already gained a great experience in his method!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Yes, for this creation, he was at high speed in the end, hardly time to say goodbye and no time for a signature.

And you are veryy right about one thing that I had forgotten .... namely that I had all the time in the world AND the power to create things my way!!

Mind you, I painted this in some 100 minutes, and really at ease, no speeding from my part!

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Very nice

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Matt! It doesn' beat your version but I'm happy with the fun of painting this one!

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