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Deep Woods

Tom0779 02 Mar 2023

Not the most popular episodes but one of my favorites.
Those wood scenes are not the best selling paintings, this here is really nice because of the colors. I made my version quite monochromatic (I like monochromatic paintings!) and I think it turned out good.
This episode looks easier than it is in reality. There is a lot going on in that one. The layering here is very tricky, if you use too much blue in the midground then you are already too dark. And this disturbs the whole scene.
Oils on canvas panel 20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)



Nice Tom, as always!

Hi, Tom. That's not my favorite either, but you implemented it super, great๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thanks a lot Jos!

Many thanks Dirk, greetings to Germany.:)

By the way Tom, do you have material about Buck Paulson's "Tribute to Turner"? I only find the picture,๐Ÿ˜Ž

No sorry Dirk, from Buck Paulson I unfortunately have nothing in book form. I have checked it it seems this is only available yet to buy. Maybe they release it on YouTube. But recently not much new stuff coming from them :(

Gorgeous Tom!!! Love the monochromatic colors!

Thanks a lot Nancy:)

Very artistic on this one Tom - Another beauty for sure.

Thanks Tom , ich kaufe es dann ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Many thanks Tony!!

Ok Dirk. Canโ€™t wait to to see your painting ๐Ÿ˜€

Video is on the i phone., completely uncomplicated download, fast and top quality ๐Ÿ˜ŽFirst time this is a great preparatory work with acrylic (4 colors), I have noticed ๐Ÿ‘€never done. The work eats me up, at the moment (job and knife construction) I'll see if and when I find time. Eventuell ziehe ich ein anderes Projekt von Bill , vor

Great work, Tom. The monochromatic colours are very effective and I love the detail in your foreground.

Sounds great Dirk, I am really curious about this episode :)

Thanks a lot Barbara!

This is one of my favs of his. Really like the woods featured in paintings. You did really well with this one. :)

Many thanks Daniel :)

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