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Mountain in an Oval

TonyM 09 Jun 2023

Mountain in an Oval - s12e12

This one was really fun to paint. I am quite pleased with this one. I finally found a contact paper that works for me for the masking.

Foreground bushes are a bit crowded, but I feel I did a decent job with separation of the individual bushes.

I have to say that I really like the gray gesso look of the border. I double prime all my canvases with a custom color gray gesso. The gesso looks greenish in the picture, but it is indeed gray.

18" x 24" canvas. As always, your comments (especially suggestions) are desired and welcome.



Just beautiful Tony. I like alot of foreground bushes. Your colors are so bright!

Thanks Tomi - a really bad pic. Colors are not quite as vivid as picture indicates.

Hey Tony, super bright colors and well implemented . I like the sky the most πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Great job. And what brand of contact paper? I have not been able to get one that sticks well.

Absolutely beautiful Tony! Awesome mountains and beautiful foliage! I also really like the midground peninsula that juts out past the center of the canvas.

Thanks Dirk, Matt, Brian. Matt, here is the contact I used (not cheap unfortunately). It's not really contact paper, but it worked out real nice. Unfortunately not cheap. I am open to try something cheaper when I see it.:

Very nice, I like the ominous sky and the right tree the most.

Very nice, cool sky

Great painting Tony! Having crowded bushes is not an issue at all here. You did beautifully separating them! Thank you for the link of the Oracal. Will def give it a shot!

Thanks Jos, Cold, Nancy - much appreciated.

Awesome work, your mountains are so good.

Much appreciated Tom :)

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