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Roadside Barn

rovingmichigander 23 Apr 2020

A happy little barn! Could use a bit of work on my grass and road painting techniques- any suggestions?


I like the sky color and how light it is. Big tree has nice limbs and texture. Barn has nice rough texture as well.

Regarding grass make you underlying tone very dark and very dry. You can even wipe it to remove excess of paint thus oil. Then go in with your highlights. But preserve that darkness.

Thanks, Sunnylady! I really liked how the sky turned out too. The suggestion to make sure the base dark layer is dry is really helpful. I will definitely incorporate that into my next attempt.

Do not dry it completely I mean. You still need to have it wet but very thin layer. You can use a knife to scrape excess or as wipe it. But make sure the dark color is still there. Kevin Hill on you tube uses blue garage towels and lets it sit for a while to absorb oil and excess of paint. I have never tried it this way.

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