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Deep Forest Falls

ForestVueGallery 05 Aug 2020

I really enjoy paintings with gesso work on the trees. I used a mixture of brown acrylics on the rocks which seems more natural to me. I also under painted the rock formations with acrylics which really helped me in positioning the waterfall before painting the rock in oils. This all took plenty of time, but it turned out similar to what I had in mind. I used a small amount of Indian Yellow in the sky which lightened it up and Phalo Blue in the top few inches of the sky. Unfortunately my photography isn’t picking it up.
Shout out to Sunnylady for the double waterfall idea. This painting was perfect to incorporate it as I used a 12x24 canvas.



Wow! You got a beautiful painting! It recalls to my memory of the national park in West Virginia. It was rainy but we went to see the waterfall. It was silky like yours and atmosphere was moody and it was worrying not to meet bears on the path.

Thanks a lot for bringing those trip memories! It was a great one!

I am super glad that you found ideas in my paintings!

Forest on the background is totally great! Muted greens of the bushes are awesome! Dark brown rocks play super good here!
This is a full piece nothing pops out to destroy your composition! It is a whole piece. Nothing needs to be added or removed or readjusted. Brilliant!

Thank you for your many observations Sunnylady! I live near the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee where I’ve enjoyed this type of scene and wanted to capture it to canvas. It is such a feeling of aliveness being near a waterfall and encircled with all the lush greenery.
I’ve not been to West Virginia but I’ll bet it’s similar. I’d like to add animals to my paintings at some point and a black bear would really set this off!

So much to enjoy here! I love all the different shrubs and bushes! They are so unique! Just beautiful!

PaintRML, thank you so much! I was attempting to create a beautiful and peaceful place.

@ForestVueGallery: great idea to add animals! Looking forward to your next masterpiece.

Stunning! The waterfall itself looks alive and the contrast between the sky and the beautifully painted trees is sublime.

Thank you Barbara. This is indeed one of my favorites that earned a space on the wall.

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