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Under Pastel Skies

Mikniks 29 Sep 2020

Third overall painting and I feel like this was the best yet! Definitely some things I would change for next time, specifically using the smaller fan brush for evergreens and being careful not to overdo certain elements. Had to call some audibles because I still found the paint to be a little too wet and loose. I used what felt like the bare minimum of liquid white, so now I suspect the Gamblin 1980 paint might be the culprit - I'll be trying both the BR paints themselves and Winsor and Newton Winton paints next time and hoping I can get smokier blends :D



Certain step up with blending!
I have some if Gamblin 1980 as well and winsor (both artistic and water mixable), I do not have BR paints though, the consistency of WN and Gamblin are nice and thick. I hear that many people say BR paints are different.

I think you got a right amount of MW in the sky, if you have way too little it will be difficult to blend.

1) Did you try finger print test after applying Magic white? Check out this link:

2) Is your magic white home-made?

3) If you feel it is still too much gently stick paper towel on top for 30 sec and it will absorb oil. OR just go and grab a cup of coffee or tea while canvas is absorbing excess of liquid white and while letting the time pass just think what you want to paint and what not from BR video.

Another thing as we progress from the sky down more paint is accumulated and you need to apply less and less pressure not to intermix colors. Most difficult is to paint trees against a mountain because paint layer is way to thick.

I came up with a trick just now that may help you.
Apply magic white in the consistency you think is ok.
Then in the water part let the towel adsorb some oil. Let it be 50/50 of the canvas: 50% sky and 50%water.
Do sky.
Turn canvas upside down and repeat its mirror reflection.
Compare what you liked more.
In terms of painting it will be absolutely ok as water reflects sky just like a mirror.
It will allow to compare at the same canvas both behaviors of the paint at the same time.

You got a beautiful painting here! Just keep practicing and acquiring more experience. Painting is a lot about experience and I see you are progressing and learning, which is the key.

Thank you so much Sunnylady! I have tried the fingerprint test and do see my print very clearly, so I don't really think it's an excess of MW. I wish I knew enough to say for certain that the amount of "slippery-ness" is normal or not. Just going by the shows, though, it looks like Bob has to pull paint more firmly than I do to get it to move. I'll be trying a black canvas next so we'll see how that goes lol ^_^

Looking forward to see black canvas painting and hear about the experience!

I'm equally looking forward to and dreading it! LOL :D

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