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Secluded Forest

TitiaD 03 Feb 2023

Secluded Forest
December 24, 2021
Oil on canvas

My first Bob Ross painting and my second wet-on-wet style oil painting.
I had such fun with it even though I didn't really know what I was doing!

Wanted to reflect the tree at the back puddle there, but in the end I forgot and didn't have the guts to put it in afterwards.



Really great job with the background and the water as well as the dirt/mud around the rocks - that is something that is tough to get to turn out.

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Lovely job on this one :-)

Welcome to this site. Your paintings are all very nice!

You captured the shadows and reflections nicely on this!

So pretty. And I echo Tom... all your paintings are beautiful! 😍

Very good

Beautiful work Titia!

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