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Autumn Images

Ninoum 02 Jan 2024

I thought of doing Bob’s cutout to celebrate the 1st day of the year. I selected this composition since it’s kinda Bob’s classic scene. I did hide the majority of the mountain in purpose. My thought process was to highlight a classic (not a mountain) and Bob’s cutout. πŸ˜‰

Very simple and def a fun painting to do!

Happy new year TIB family! 🎊

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Very cool

Good morning Nancy, really nicely done. Bob hides the beautiful mountains a little πŸ‘€Do you now have your own cutting machine?? πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Great tribute to Bob if you cover such a beautiful painting with cutouts of his face; nice idea but I regret the covering of the underlying painting still keep in mind what Bob always said: we know it's there!

Agree with Jos on this one.

Thx Cold! 😊

Thank you much my friend! πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺβ˜€οΈ It was done on purpose. πŸ˜‰

Jos, it was intentional. There is a mountain but it’s not was I wanted to highlight. It only a part of the whole compo. Bob’s cutout was the highlight.

Thx Tomi. πŸ™‚

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

so awesome!

It makes me happy you like this one! 😊

Super Job with the Bob cut out, well painted!

Thank you very much Tom! πŸ˜€

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