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Majestic Pine

lightsnow 03 Mar 2020

This is my 35th painting. Following in the footsteps of my previous one, this is also a painting I've had on my list to try ever since I first began painting. I tried to 'speed paint' here but it still ended up taking me just about 2 hours as the grass gave me a lot of trouble and I spent a bit more time on tree details. Overall, I will admit I am not too pleased with this one. I found it excessively difficult to make the grass. The paint just would not stick properly. Too much liquid white? In hindsight I would have added liquid white only to the top portion of the canvas for sky blending. It really wasn't needed for the bottom. I had a lot of trouble getting my grass colors to stick. I used masking tape to make the border, cutting out circles with a knife using an old greek yogurt container lid. I almost didn't add the tree to the left because I really liked the painting contained within that border, but to pass the bravery test I just smashed in some paint at the end, and that was truly the point of no return, so I had to create the highlights and all that. I do like how the tree highlights came out. I think this was the most success I've had with adding a variety of fall colors to trees. So, in the end, I truly have a dual relationship with this painting, both liking and really disliking various aspects of it. 18x24


My favorite part here on the very front under the big evergreen (that is amazing) where the orange and ochre bushes with twigs grow. I agree with you about fall colors they need dark underlayer. However in your painting there is very interesting atmosphere: front is in the shadow and middle ground is lightened with the sun. Also I like the long shadows you created for the evergreens on the right.

Lightsnow nice painting however i think the tree at the front the roots should be covered up or make them go out more in to the bed of colours
Next time doing grass hold the brush flat to the canvas and tap, tap left to right.

I like your paintings and all the colors. The part on the left is the best, in my opinion. I really loved your description. I have those feelings sometimes, too!

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