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Sunset Oval

Voy Kay 07 Jan 2022

'Sunset oval' has been on my list for a long while and was finally set to be painted this week. Since I had a wall only suitable for a giant painting, I used a budget quality canvas that was bigger, size 24"x32", then a normal size used for and by Bob.

This creation holds equal harder parts then easier ones. The sky is less difficult but getting clouds in remains one of my whoes. The mountain was really tough, hardly could bring in enough T-white to cover it all, that mountain kept eating my white. Evergreens were easy and so were the bushes but the reflections in the lake were a real challenge to me.
The dead tree was not really necessary and at first, I thought it just ruined my creation. That's the reason why I only painted one. In the end, the tree did fit in so in all, I'm pretty happy with this creation.
A total of 3,5 hours of relaxed painting, hope you will like it and please, read the article!

I uploaded two extra pictures. One without a flash being used, the other to show the size of my canvas painted in my dining room.

Featured Article Painting on a giant canvas.


Voy this is in my opinion one of your better paintings. Wow. That sky is beautifully blended. Love the colors. The mountains have great depth. Love the bare tree, those branches are really realistic. All in all a beautiful painting. Well done! 👍😁😁

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks so much for this great comment Umagaan.

It is true that I paint a lot easier/better with a bigger canvas. Although this size (60x80) was challenging, it allowed me to be far more committed to details.
And yes, the family here is pretty wild about the colors as well.

Till next one!!

Yes in a way a bigger painting is easier to paint, especially with the details.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

You can't believe the fun I had when painting details I normally hardly ever look after. So exhillerating!!!

My favorite part in painting is adding details in the end. Because by then I really don't feel any pressure anymore and just enjoy myself 😁

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

It's that pressure that often egts in the way of my 'clear thinking' about things. Since I almost always watch the episode shortly before I paint it, a lot of the pressure is diminshed and I can create more relaxed!
But it is true, near the end of a painting, I feel SO much more relieved.

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

The sky is very pretty and your mountain really pops off of the sky's color! Also a great "naked" tree up front. I'll bet it looks even better in person being on such a big canvas!

Magnificent colors in the sky and mountains!

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

I'm glad you did the dead tree. It's one of my favorite parts of your painting. I too have had this one on my radar. I think I might finally get to it here in the next week.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

You are very right about that Pam!
It looks unbeatable in real! I can't place it anywhere as a showcase so it is now in my veranda (which we don't use in the winter) for the paint to dry. AFterwards, it will go to its destination where it will hang opposite its brother in size.
I hope to do more big canvasses in the future but will need to sell them or give away since my walls are filled (44 creations in total!).

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dankjewel Jos!
It takes some effort blending but it's worth it!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

I can recommend it Matt!
But do take Sunnylady's comment into consideration, like I did. The light comes from the other side (left) where Bob wrongfully assumes it comes from the right!

I chose for one tree only but allowed this one to have more detailed branches though. That was easy enough on such giant canvas!

GOOD luck with your version!!

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