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Winter Stillness

Voy Kay 10 Oct 2020

Noticed this little beauty in the database only yesterday and it ressembles a lot to 'Snowfall magic' S19E1, which I had painted before and is a true beauty to paint. So I gave this one a GO!
I can recommend this to everybody since it really is an easy painting to do with quite some different techiniques and tricks in it. Eg. how to paint the hundreds of tiny little branches that Bob teaches us, it 's extraordinary and I intend to use that trick more often in future paintings.
Hardly anything is difficult here or it most be the continuous attention to the glowing, banking and shading of the snow. Canvas used was a high quality 12"x16".

Two hours thus of very relaxing painting this morning and so happy with the result! Please enjoy and do read some articles!

Featured Article How to better prepare, set and upload your painting pictures.


I like this.. its now on the list of "Need to try"

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Perfect Wybnormal! And perhaps you can try its brother as well (S19E1)!

Good luck!

This is a good way to start the day isn't it?

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Best one I had in months, and that's the truth!!

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Ahhh.Very peaceful this is.Tranquility is part our winters in New England.I love the compositin in this scape.And those trees,Bob R. would be proud indeed.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Pietro, you, Wybnormal and Bob certainly made my day!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks for the cheers Tom!
This one is a true darling concerning backgorund. The colours all match although I should've belended the sky a little more but was too afraid since the liquid white factor comes into play then.
The bushes are a sheer delight to do since you have those at the back (soft tapping), those more in front (harder tapping or more paint on the brush) and the ones that were oh so carefully highlighted. So very few to do and for a grand result.

Till next one!

Voy, this is a truly wonderful painting! Very careful work with value to show depth! well done!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Sunnylady! We (the family) discussed this one over dinner and we all agreed this was a, excellent effort except .... for the sky blending. I intend to alter that still a little!

Till next one!

Beautifully done, I like the hints of pink and blue in the snow. Great job on the distant woods and trees!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you FVG, Bob made this an easy one to do. Snow is normally not that easy but in this kind, I got to play with four colours (white, brown, pink, blue) so could make lots of shapes and shadows in there.

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